Wednesday, November 13, 2013


Hello friends I am back with another installment for my Blogger Buddies series (: this post is going to be about expanding your blog which means different things for different people but for me it just means getting your name out there and establishing it (:

So let's get started!

Step #1: Social Media

Social media is your best friend! (: This is how people are going to be able to find you and, more importantly, this is how they are going to know who you are (: 

So what you want to do first is figure out what social media sites you want to commit yourself to and keep in mind guys that you do not have to be on every single social media site. I mean really who has time to keep up with all of that? 

So I would say pick 3 or 4 that you are really going to commit to using regularly and use them well! Use them every single day! There should not be a day where you are not pinning, instagramming, facebooking or twittering hehe (:

Step #2: What is your name?

Okay so you have your go to social media sites now you have to sign up for them but first you need a name guys! So what should it be?

I would recommend using something that is extremely close to the name of your blog, why? Because you are building a brand people, which means you want all of your social media to reflect your blog and draw others to it (: for example:

So as you guys can see I try to stick with a very uniform theme I always want to have my name and something that describes what my blog is about, beauty obviously is really self explanatory and it isn't too narrow.

Step #3: Tell others about you

When social media sites ask for a description...give them one! That is the first thing that your viewers are going to see and it may just be what makes them click that follow button so you really want to give them a taste of who you are. 

I am not saying that it has to be long but your should write something. Never leave your description blank

Step 4: Follow others with the same interests

Just because you are on social media does not mean that you are automatically going to gain a thousand followers, you have to work for it. Follow other people and interact with them, make friends and I promise the numbers will come!

Another idea is to join chats, I know that beauty, fashion and lifestyle bloggers have chats on Twitter every once in a while and I met a lot of great people through those chats. Remember you have to put yourself out there if you want people to notice you!

Step #5: Join communities

Communities are something that I am discovering but they are great ways to meet people that have the same interests as you do and great ways to get your name out there.

Join groups on Facebook for example:

The Beauty Blogger Bunch was one of the first groups that I ever joined and I have met some fantastic people since I have been a part of it.

There are hundreds of thousands of groups on Facebook all you have to do is find the ones that you like (:

Another option is Google+ Communities for example:

If you have a Google+ account then you have access to all of these great communities that you can join and interact with other people who like the same things you do (:

Google+ is really starting to become part of my social media routine now that I have discovered this amazing feature.

What social media sites are you on? Leave your links in the comments below and lets be friends!

Okay guys that is it for this post (: 

Be safe and I will see you in my next post!

Lets be friends!!

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